Designed and modern |
Server side: Php / C# / Go |
Client side: Html, Css, Java Script |
Use of frameworks: Bootstrap, jQuery |
Use of platforms if needed: WordPress and Magento |
Fits most of screen sizes (phones, tablets, monitors, tv, etc...) |
Compatible with most of the modern browsers (Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera) |
Use of Media Queries and special adjustments if needed |
Accessible by WCAG 2.0 to AA level that is made by the international organization of W3C. |
Protects the site's owner by law. |
Managed by the customer
Allows you to update site's properties (titles, descriptions, icons, keywords) |
Gives control over Open Graph properties such as title, description for sharing it through social networks and chat apps |
Has an advanced and powerful content editor (similar to Word) |